Dine In Restaurants

We provides Dine In restaurants wide bouquet of services which helps you to efficiently manage your resources, take orders and serve foods. It can help you speedily create KOT's and invoices. It also helps you to take reserve tables for your customers. Some of the specific solutions for the outlet types are:

  • Quick KOT's
  • Integration with KDS
  • Menu Management
  • CRM
  • Integration with online aggregators
  • Quick invoicing, and electronic bills
  • Payment integration
Following are the proposed/ recommended modules relevent for outlet type:

This module helps you to control seating space in your outlet. It helps you to:
  • Add/ Remove Dining Space(s)
  • Add/ Remove Table(s)
  • Control Table Size
  • Reserve Table In Advance
  • Merge/ Split Tables

A simple to use module; helps you to monitor your daily material consumptions and helps you to reduce wastages. It helps you to:
  • Add/ Modify stocks using diverse units
  • Auto consumption recording with each order
  • Helps you to monitor costing of your food item

It is a unique module which can help you to tabulize all your assets, which may includes buildings, tables, cutlery, kitchen appliances etc. It also helps you to maintain breakage and maintenance history.

This is an integrated app for the staff members for taking orders, feedbacks, payment notification, and client calls. This app is seamlessly integrated with the KDS and POS terminal, which on the one hand optimizes time to prepare and serve orders and on the other hand also reduces confusions and errors in order taking and order processing. It also helps the management to allot staff members to tables fo need. It serves as a medium for the staff member to get the taste and choice of the customer and previous orders it the customer is a regular client of the outlet.

It is simple to use, hygenic and elegant way to serve your menu and a powerful tool which you may offer to your customers. This tool helps your customer to get onboard of DesiMenus environment. It gives following functionality to your customers:
  • Explore and order food items
  • Give feedback for food items, staff, ambience etc
  • Receive invoices and payment receipts
  • Do payments
  • Call waiter's

A business website is your own place in the cyber space to exhibit the world about the services, products and facilities you are offering through your business. It also serves as a virtual restaurant through which you can easily take orders and payments online and can be a handy tool to generate additional revenue for your business. We can help you establish your very own website in easy steps with your minimal involvement. The site which you may already own or a brand new website will be fully integrated with DesiMenus environment and will help you to exibit your produstcs, services, take orders, receive payments, table reservation enquiry etc.

Present time is the era of hybrid business. In present time you have to serve a vide variety of audience through multiple platforms. These platforms includes online aggregators and take away orders received either from website or order counter apart from the regular dine in scenario. DesiMenus gives you this tool which helps to serve clutter free environment to delivery persons and customers using token based approach. It also helps you OTP based validation for such orders so that right food is served to the customers and delivery persons.

This tool helps you to manage your stock efficiently. It also gives you complete control of your stock consumptions and alerts you about the shortages. It also reduces your inventory wastages. It helps you to:
  • Add/ Modify stocks using diverse measurment units
  • Manage a standardized consumption plan through recipe management
  • Helps you to access food costing and profitability
  • Vendor information

DesiMenus provides an integrated platform for vide variety of users. It provides admins complete control of access which he/ she intends to provided to various users of DesiMenus services. System provides interface for :
  • Admin
  • Cashier
  • Steward's
  • Kitchen Captain
  • Account's Staff
  • Customer

For the main users of the DesiMenu's -the Staff; DesiMenus provides functionality to management to manage staff members starting from the on boarding process to FnF settlement. Some of the features of this module includes:
  • Profile
  • Leave and Attendance
  • Tip report
  • Payroll Generation
  • Feedback from Customers